Traditional candles are made with paraffin wax which is a by-product of the petroleum industry and should be considered a non-renewable energy source. When burned they release carcinogenic toxins such as benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein and soot into the air. The emissions from paraffin candles contain many of the same toxins produced by burning diesel fuel.
Sometimes in life, an idea comes along that makes the world realize that thinking outside the box can be a good thing. While I was working in Africa, I discovered that a product that I had been purchasing for many years from a US company has the potential to make a huge impact on the lives of all people living in Third World Countries.
The use of candles in North America is usually optional, however in many other parts of the world the use of candles for illumination is a necessity. In South Africa there are 2 million households and in Liberia 4 million people, as examples, that rely solely on candles for illumination. Similar conditions exist throughout most Third World Countries. The resulting number of candle fires that cause loss of life, injuries and property damage are horrific.
Now, suppose that we can introduce a safer candle to the people. These candles will not start a fire at the base during late-stage burning and will self-extinguish when tipped over.
This Safer Candle Program I am proposing can only create a better and safer environment for the people concerned. Unlike the mosquito bed net programs that rely on donations to try and develop a level of protection against Malaria, these candles represent an alternative to traditional candles that are a consumable commodity widely used throughout the Third World.
The benefits of the use of bed nets in Africa and historically, even smoke detectors in North America (during the 1980s) met with resistance because of the economical impact that they imposed on the consumer. They cost money!
Now, let’s look at the “safer candle” as a consumable product that is an alternative to the millions of traditional candles that are purchased monthly. Why would the introduction of this product work? Because the cost to the consumer is approximately half of the cost of conventional candles. As a result the consumer is able to save ± $ 3 USD each month. This has a huge impact in many of these countries where the GNI is = $ 1 USD per day.
The collateral benefits are what truly interest me. The introduction and wide spread use of these candles will greatly reduce the loss of life, injury and property damage caused by candle related fires. The call-out of local / United Nation Fire Units and security personnel will be greatly reduced again saving money and reducing the number of injuries to firefighters.
This can only be considered a Win–Win situation.
I am requesting an opportunity to meet with your organization, to present this idea and discuss a possible program for its distribution. As stated earlier; I was never a candle salesman, nor was I a manufacturer. I have taken on these roles because I am an individual with an idea that has the real and immediate potential of helping millions of people.
I am so confident in this idea and this product that I am willing to meet with anyone, at any level of your organization to make presentations and convince them of its merits. I will do whatever it takes to reach the decision making level of your organization so that we are able to move forward with this Safer Candle Project as quickly as possible.
Every time there is a candle fire in places like Liberia, Kenya, Haiti or even The Dominican Republic, I am saddened to think that they could have been easily prevented with the use of Safer Candles. Let’s make it happen!
These candles are being manufactured in the USA and are presently available to customers in the USA and Canada. For overseas or wholesale sales order information, please Contact Us.
As stated earlier, any feedback would be appreciated. Emails of interest, requests for ordering information, suggestions, and comments will all help to expedite the manufacturing and distribution process.
Knowing that we are all searching for ways to improve fire safety and fire prevention in our communities; let’s work as a team!!!!!